
About Comedy State

We believe humor is the most important quality to having a happy, healthy life.  If you can laugh in the face of adversity, trials, and test, then you can succeed.  Or you’re just plain nuts.

Working Hard To Provide You With The Best Quality Humor Entertainment

It is a long established fact that people like to laugh.  From cartoons to America’s Funniest Home Videos, we are taught that comedy is a way of life.  Humor inducing comedy is a group activity.  We love to share a good laugh together.  Few things build a community of like-mindedness like comedy.  What better way is there then than to be a brand with a sense of humor. The point of using comedy as a marketing tool is that it has proven to produce results. 

Our Company

When you’re looking for a sense of humor that suits your needs for laughs, look no further than Comedy State. We take laughter seriously.

Comedy Style starts with a Comedy State of Mind.  Without a Comedy State of Mind, there is no laughter, no sense of humor, no Comedy Style.

Laughter is the one thing that brings people together…that and sex.  Without laughter where would we be? Still huddled in a cave marveling at the invention of fire.

There are many variations of comedy as a marketing tool available, but by understanding the innate sense of humor, or the comedic voice, a brand will better understand which tool in the comedy arsenal is best suited for creating engaging humor content that provokes a magnetic attraction and laughter.  If you are going to use comedy as a marketing tool for your brand, you first need to be sure that you understand your brands sense of humor, or your audience won’t.  People love to laugh, but people don’t all love to laugh at the same comedy.  Mom may love dirty jokes.  But dad loves Bob Newhart humor.  So much for family comedy.

Our Team

Comedy State is equipped with a host of comedy writers, copywriters, comedy filmmakers and digital marketing professionals who have made it their life’s mission and purpose to create humor that has an impact.

Comedy Humor Laughter
Don Richardson Comedy State

Don Richardson

Comedian - Digital Marketing Specialist

Comedy Humor Laughter

Shop Comedy State!

We’ve got the brand of of humor you’re looking for.  If we don’t then feel freely to let us know, kindly.  We’re always open to suggestions on how to offer the best customer service.