Comedy State featuring Comedians CALL OUT PC/CANCEL CULTURE (Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, Ricky Gervais)


At Comedy State we’re just comedy having fun with laughter for your brain and comedy for your soul.

A cold beer, a hot babe, and a lip-smacking plate of barbecue are three of the most important things we hold dear.

Not really sure on what else may be that important…oh yeah, football season.  Horror movies.  And of course, comedy.  Watching a horror comedy after enjoying the Super Bowl while eating a plate of lip-smacking barbecue with a hot babe drinking a cold beer would pretty much be the absolute pinnacle of nirvana.

Favorite Quote: “If you ain’t first you’re last.”  Ricky Bobby

One thing to make perfectly clear, this is an anti-politics platform.

Now you can have all the political views and jackass partisan opinions you want.  It’s a free country so feel free to be a partisan jackass.

Just know that as far as this here is concerned, Comedy State doesn’t give a sack of flying squirrel nuts about your political allegiance.

Just know that at the end of the day nobody cares about a political party around.  At least nobody that really gets it.

As a matter of fact, that jackass political party doesn’t really give a damn either.  They just want peoples votes and their tax dollars to finance their political careers and their lavish lifestyles.

Meanwhile they go on misusing taxpayers trust with fluffy promises…the same fluffy promises they used the last time to get taxpayers votes to get taxpayers taxes to finance their political careers and their lavish lifestyles for another term.


Humor should be as simple as you turn off your brain and laugh.  Just remember to leave a post-it-note on your forehead before you switch your brain off to remember to switch your brain back on.

You shouldn’t have to think about laughing, you should just laugh.  Laughing is a reflex like getting your knee whacked by the doctor with a rubber hammer to check and see if you’re still alive and have the senses to feel anything.

That’s the problem with people who don’t laugh.  They’ve lost their senses, as in their sense of humor.  They’ve gone numb.

Well here at Comedy State we’re here to help you and make sure you haven’t gone numb.

We believe that laughter is the one thing that all human beings have in common.  That and death, and taxes, and sex.

So while there’s still time, take time to laugh.

We’re working hard to partner up with some of the best sense of humor resources around the comedy world from stand-up comics, comedians, comedy writers, content creators, and humor merchants, to help you get as much value as possible turning your brain off.

We look forward to featuring the funniest comedy and sharing a few good laughs with you.

Thanks for stopping by.

Feel free to leave us a recommendation or suggestion.  We’re always open to more comedy, so long as it’s quality comedy.


Comedians CALL OUT PC/CANCEL CULTURE (Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, Ricky Gervais)